UI/UX and Product Design Blogs & Insights | Zazz https://www.zazz.io/blog Mobile Application Development Company Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:54:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 Unveiling the Power of Seamless UI/UX in Mobile App Success https://www.zazz.io/blog/unveiling-the-power-of-seamless-ui-ux-in-mobile-app-success/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:54:51 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=10814 Unveiling the Power of Seamless UI/UX in Mobile App Success

Mobile apps live and die by their user experience. A slick UI might draw us in, but clunky navigation kicks us right back out. Apps that feel intuitive keep us coming back. Their seamless UI and UX blend like ingredients in a secret sauce recipe.

When UI and UX click, the results speak for themselves. UI design can double conversions. Superior UX? That can quadruple them. Companies can earn up to $100 in return for every dollar spent on UX. Yeah, seamless UI/UX is a big deal.

Let’s break it down and see why UI/UX makes mobile apps pop.

Understanding UI and UX: The Basics

First, a quick primer on what UI and UX mean:

UI stands for user interface. These are all a product’s visual and interactive elements: buttons, icons, menus – the stuff we tap and swipe on our phones. UI brings an app to life.

UX is user experience. It’s how interacting with an app feels. A slick Uber UX means smoothly booking a ride in seconds. Frustrating menus equal poor UX. UX is the vibe we get using an app.

UI and UX work together like peanut butter and jelly for mobile apps. UI handles the aesthetics. UX makes sure all those buttons and icons flow into one smooth experience.

The Role of UI/UX in User-First Impressions

Like a great outfit or firm handshake, UI/UX shapes our first impression of a mobile app. Strong visuals grab our attention. Intuitive UX then reels us in for more.

A thoughtful UI has bold graphics that pop but avoid looking cluttered. Everything is placed just so, with a color scheme that feels right. The layout draws the eye to essential elements without overwhelming the user.

Meanwhile, UX works behind the scenes to make us feel at home. Our first tap was greeted by a friendly interface, not a puzzling menu maze. UX removes roadblocks and invites us in. The first interactions are welcoming and give the user confidence to continue exploring.

Together, UI and UX make a stellar first impression – one that keeps us coming back. Those crucial early moments set the stage for an app we want to keep using.

This is something you have to get right! Which means it has to be done by professionals. If you do not have the right resources to get it done, you should consider experts providing ux design services. 

UI/UX as a Driver for User Engagement

Once we’re in, UI/UX keeps us engaged. Tactile buttons and silky swipes make the UI thrilling to interact with. Each tap gives a delightful response that satisfies the user.

On the UX side, smart navigation gives us confidence to explore the app. Personalization settings tailored to our habits make it feel like the app “gets” us. UX anticipates what users want to do and ensures the path is clear.

With stimulating UI and frictionless UX, using the app stays fun and enjoyable. We’re hooked by an experience designed specifically for us.

Seamless UI/UX and Increased User Retention

When an app feels right, we’re more likely to stick with it. UI creates a comfortable, familiar environment. No squinting at confusing icons or poking randomly and hoping for the best. The interface already knows what we need.

Meanwhile, UX anticipates problems before they happen. Through meticulous mapping of our journey, UX ensures the solutions are always apparent. When the app feels truly supportive, looking elsewhere seems silly.

The UI and UX remove all friction and hesitation. Impeccable design means the user always feels safe. Everything they need is right at their fingertips.

With UI and UX working harmoniously, apps transform from a passing download into a devoted platform for the required service. Users build trust and loyalty to an app that feels like an old friend.

UI/UX in Simplifying Complex Processes

Mobile App UI UX Processes

Even complex apps feel intuitive with the proper UI/UX. Intelligent interface design breaks down advanced features into bite-sized steps. Sophisticated tools become accessible.

UX clears the path ahead. Concise instructions and logical workflow steer us forward with confidence. Unnecessary steps get the boot. UX is our guide down the most straightforward path to success.

With clever UI and UX joining forces, complex tasks feel effortless. Apps act as a helpful assistant rather than a confusing maze. Users are empowered to take full advantage of robust features.

The Impact of UI/UX on Conversion Rates

Seamless UI/UX means serious money. Prominent CTAs act like a flashing “this way” sign for users. When navigation is smooth, moving from screen to screen feels natural.

UX boosts conversions by greasing the wheels at every step. Fast load times keep us engaged. Personalized content makes us feel at home. Microinteractions reward the user and give a sense of progress.

Together, UI and UX create a journey users never want to leave. Visitors morph into customers thanks to a design that feels effortless. Conversions happen almost automatically when UI/UX removes all friction.

Also Read : 

Challenges of UX Design for IoT and Tips to Beat Them | Zazz

Best Practices for UI/UX in Mobile Apps

Mobile App UI UX Best Practices

So, how do you nail that winning UI/UX combo? Whether you have an in-house development team, or you have outsourced the project to an app developing company, follow these best practices to get the most out of your investment:

UI Design Principles

  • Make sure your app makes visual sense at a glance. Bold, clear elements are like a friendly wave hello.
  • Keep the style uniform. Mismatched UI is like clashing prints. An orderly, coordinated interface is best.
  • Provide feedback on taps and swipes. It’s like a nod to the user to show their personalized realm of services.
  • Use subtle animation to bring life to the interface. Little details like fading in screens make the app feel modern and responsive.

UX Considerations:

  • Avoid feature overload. Keep navigation clear – clutter needs to be clarified.
  • Ensure speedy load times. Users want their apps to load fast.
  • Design for accessibility. Consider various abilities and needs so all can use your app.
  • Include help features and tutorials to assist users if they get stuck. It’s like having a friendly concierge ready to help.

Maintaining UI/UX Quality

To keep your app’s UI/UX brilliance shining:

  • Test regularly to catch issues before users do. It’s like taking your car for a routine check-up.
  • Listen to users and gather feedback. They drive your app daily, so they know what works.
  • Stay current with trends. Refresh your app’s style occasionally, like updating your wardrobe.
  • Watch for new features that could simplify the user journey even more. Look for ways to shave off any remaining friction.

Also Read :

Common UX Design Mistakes To Avoid When Developing an App


The key to mobile app success is crafting a seamless UI/UX flow that blends beautifully, guiding users on an intuitive journey at every step. If you’re ready to build an app experience that wows your users, book a demo with our team of UI/UX experts today. We specialize in designing stunning visual interfaces and frictionless user experiences that connect with users on a deeper level. Our tailored ux design services can craft a unique UI/UX cocktail for your app that looks slick and flows effortlessly, hooking users from the first sip. 

Visit our website now to schedule a demo and let us shake up an award-winning mobile experience!


  1. Why is the mobile app UX design important for startups?

For startups, UX design is the make-or-break handshake that welcomes users in, so crafting those initial app encounters with care is essential to user retention down the road.

  1. How does UX design affect mobile app development costs?

While quality UX design may raise startup budgets initially, it pays off by reducing expensive updates and customer churn in the future, so it’s a long-term money saver.

  1. What does it take to design an excellent mobile application?

Creating an excellent mobile app takes walking in the user’s shoes to understand their needs, then distilling everything into simple, intuitive navigation – like following a well-marked trail through the woods.

Top 10 Intuitive UI/UX Design Tools for Contemporary Designers in 2023 https://www.zazz.io/blog/top-ui-ux-design-tools-for-contemporary-designers/ Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:46:54 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=7537 Design tools or UI kits for UI/UX are developing quickly. Each design and product development step is now aided by various tools, from early whiteboard exercises to work on the final product. These technologies’ usability and accessibility have never been greater, making product creation for everyone more straightforward and effective.

UI/UX Design Tools for Contemporary Designers

Product development is a process that is critical to do right for all businesses, from small startups to large corporations. The use of a proper tool is quite imperative. 

The Top UI & UX Tools in 2023

We’ve compiled a list of the top UI/UX design tools for 2023 to make it easier for you to select the one that will work best for your projects.

1. Maze

Maze is a UI/UX design app for continuous product discovery that enables product teams to continually gather and consume user input. Maze gives designers the ability to do in-depth user testing with or without prototypes, as well as to test and verify ideas, concepts, or text. It also offers solutions for participant recruiting, product research, and reporting.

For designers working with a UI/UX design agency at every level of the process, the variety of testing that is accessible is quite helpful. Usability tests with open-ended follow-up questions may yield deep user insights, bringing designers and actual users closer together than before with the help of this UI design software. 

Key features: 

-Conduct thorough testing utilizing or without prototypes.

-Verify and test thoughts, ideas, and copy

-Remote, quick user research and testing

2. Sketch

One of the most widely used UI kits today, Sketch, began as only a visual design tool for web-based products. The program is quite popular among UI designers learning UX design, and it’s understandable why given its user-friendly layout. It is a strong rival to Figma for product design because of its capacity to produce gorgeous interfaces.

Since its advent, it has commenced incorporating more credentials, for instance, a prototype tool as well as real-time collaboration tools. Sketch also effortlessly interfaces with third-party plug-ins. 

Key features:

-Build prototypes

-Visual design for online goods

-Tools for collaboration

3. Adobe XD

The UI design tools from Adobe, dubbed XD, are targeted at building websites, mobile applications, and product prototypes. It gives designers the resources they need, such as workflows, element creation tools, animation transitions, other dynamic components, and more, to produce complete prototypes.

One advantage of adopting a product from an amazing suite like Adobe is that they naturally connect flawlessly with one another. Additionally, although expensive UI kits or tools like Photoshop are accessible, larger businesses may find the Creative Cloud package appealing since a variety of applications, including Illustrator and InDesign, are made available as a bundle in this UI design software. 

Key features:

-Build websites, mobile applications, and product prototypes.

-Create workflows, dynamic elements, animated transitions, and element generation.

Also Read: Guide to Know About UI and UX Design

4. Figma

One of the most widely used design tools in Figma. This UX design app has a cloud-based design tool that is used to create prototypes with beautiful design elements. The program may also be used to make mood boards and other outputs like wireframes. The layout is enormous, allowing for the placement of several iterations on the same project and convenient comparison of different ideas.

Figma’s collaborative features, which enable your mobile application development company to make changes to a design concurrently without downloading data locally, are a major benefit. Anyone on any operating system may use Figma because of its browser capabilities. For conclusion, Figma is an excellent pick for the designing tool. It is compatible with Zeplin, Confluence, and Maze. 

Key features:

-Cloud-based architecture

-Construct and design prototypes

-Make mood boards, mind maps, and wireframes

-Tools for collaboration

5. InVision

A superior user experience is strongly emphasized by the flexible design tool InVision. A UX/UI designer may use InVision to create wireframes and prototypes, as well as the design handoff features, after describing the user path and before beginning early design collaboration. It is quite helpful to have a single platform that guides users from first brainstorming through development for UX or UI. 

The UX design platform tool from InVision is the best of all the aforementioned qualities. Along with coworkers, users may construct interactive prototypes that instantly adapt to the device and position. InVision Studio is a brand-new independent UX tool. An incredible range of capabilities is available with InVision Studio, including a vector drawing tool, interactive designs, and built-in animations.

Key features:

-Describe the user journeys

-Build prototypes and wireframes

-Build features for design handoff

-Tools for collaboration

-Standalone UX and design tool

6. Marvel 

Marvel is a comprehensive design tool that provides tools for wireframing, design, prototyping, and user testing. The UI design experience it offers is really amazing, which makes it ideal for creating prototypes rapidly and creating user interfaces that are clear and straightforward.

Although Marvel has tools for each stage of the design process, prototyping is where it puts most of its attention. Users may quickly construct functional prototypes by implementing movements, importing designs, adding screen elements, and doing any other necessary tasks. It’s a great pick for novice designers and developers searching for a tool that can get them up and running quickly, despite not being as advanced as other products on this list. It is compatible with iOS and hence can be used in all sorts of iOS app development services as well. 

Key features:

-Build prototypes and wireframes

-Prototype testing with users

7. Figure

One of the great UI/UX design tools for working on-screen design and producing high-fidelity prototypes is Framer, formerly known as Framer X. Framer is renowned for having a learning curve since it necessitates a basic understanding of CSS and HTML code for elements like interactivity and animations. However, Framer-created final prototypes are as near to a finished product as a prototype can get. UX/UI design One of the great UI and UX tools for working on-screen design and producing high-fidelity prototypes is Framer, formerly known as Framer X. Framer is renowned for having a learning curve since it necessitates a basic understanding of CSS and HTML code for elements like interactivity and animations. However, Framer-created final prototypes are as near to a finished product as a prototype can get. 

Although Framer’s primary function is its prototype tool, it has also been working on a variety of other tools, such as wireframing and visual design. Framer is a helpful all-in-one solution at a reasonable price since it has even included some fundamental tools for user testing.

Key features:

-Build high-fidelity prototypes and focus on screen design

-Needs a basic understanding of CSS and HTML code

Wireframe creation

-Graphic design

-Essential user testing

8. Axure

Axure is a user-friendly yet functional platform for producing wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes. Without writing a single line of code, this UI/UX design tool enables users to construct prototypes quickly with data-driven interactions. Dynamic panels, animations, and visual interactions are just a few elements that are very simple to integrate with Axure but would otherwise require some setup effort. 

Additionally, Axure enables numerous designers to collaborate on the same project file at once, just like the other platforms on our list. Although this interface design tool has a high-end cost which makes it more enticing to businesses, the end result is the quick development of functional prototypes.

Key features:

-Build low-fidelity prototypes and wireframes

-Include interactive graphics, dynamic panels, and animations

9. Origami Studio

It was first created for use by Facebook’s designers and is now freely accessible to everyone. It provides a more sophisticated prototyping tool than the others on our list, offering designers the means to produce prototypes with higher quality. The tool’s patch editor is used to create the prototypes’ logic, and it comes with a large library of ready-to-use patches. It is highly popular for web development services. 

This causes an emphasis on certain pages, enabling users to illustrate precisely how the website is supposed to function. Since Origami is meant to assist designers in creating hi-fi prototypes, there is a small learning curve, especially for rookie designers.

Key features:

-Tool for high-fidelity prototyping

-Patch editor and existing patches library

10. Proto.io

Another excellent website that makes it possible for UI/UX designers to produce fully-functional prototypes while also being accessible to novices is proto.io. Proto.io achieves this difficult mix beautifully, producing results that function and have the sense of a finished project. 

Due to its easy learning curve and extensive tool set, it is especially well-liked among students who are just starting to put interactions in the prototype together. Designers may collaborate with their teams as they develop, build, and test high-fidelity prototypes with Proto.io.

Key features:

-High-fidelity prototypes should be made.

-Tools for collaboration

Bottom Line 

No one UI/UX design tool can fully satisfy the requirements of all designers. Designers must thus consider their needs and conduct independent research on the available solutions.

Important UX design concepts, such as creating products that are influenced by research and user input, are built with empathy and are accessible to everyone, should be kept in mind while selecting your user interface design tool. Contact Zazz for additional information.

An Insightful Guide to Know About UI and UX Design https://www.zazz.io/blog/guide-to-know-about-ui-and-ux-design/ Tue, 15 Nov 2022 07:15:07 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=7419 In the digital world, UI/UX design is a much-talked-about concept, often misunderstood by many. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about creating visually appealing applications. In fact, UI/UX design stands for User Interface & User Experience, respectively & focuses on designing digital products with a user-first approach. While UI & UX share common features, there is a fundamental difference between the two disciplines. 

UI design concentrates on the look & feel of the application, including buttons, icons, typography & the overall layout. On the other hand, UX design emphasizes the user’s interaction with the product & aims to provide an enjoyable experience. Before delving into the nuances of each discipline, understanding the basics is crucial to designing great digital products. Hence, this blog will help you gain comprehensive knowledge of UI/UX design, an essential aspect of the digital world.

UI and UX Design

UI Design – Concept, Features and Workflow

UI design is an essential aspect of app development that offers a user-friendly experience. According to Iconfinder’s CFO Martin LeBlac, a good UI design shouldn’t require explanation, as it encompasses the app’s graphical elements such as buttons, animations, and transitions, as well as the screen layout & micro-interactions. Moreover, UI design encompasses various formats that enhance user engagement, such as typography, color schemes & visual hierarchy. Achieving a quality UI design requires a rigorous workflow that entails ideation, iteration, prototyping, testing & optimization. Furthermore, UI design comprises more formats like:

Graphical User Interface (GUI): This type of interface deals with displaying the type of interaction users can experience with the visuals and the system’s digital control panel. The best example of GUI is a computer desktop.  

Voice-controlled Interface (VUI): VUI is involved in handling the interaction between the user and system by leveraging the voice feature. The commonly popular examples of UI interaction design are the smart assistants of Samsung devices and iPhones – Bixby and Siri.

Gesture-based interface: This UI prototype is mostly used in the most sought-after technology Virtual Reality and related gesture-based design scenarios involving the engagement of end users within the 3D spaces.

Consider the following characteristics to have a better understanding of the UI design:

-Architect the design in such a way that the users can conveniently focus on completing their tasks in a hassle-free manner.

-The design should be enticing, fun and offer a seamless experience.

Establishing UI design that enhances company/organization brand value by facilitating communication.

UX Design – Concept, Features and Workflow

UX design (User Experience design) involves analyzing and designing for the users’ interaction with the system. It also deals with logical navigation and ensuring an intuitive and smooth experience for the users. The design is not just assessing the aesthetic preferences and opinions thoughtfully driven by data analysis, research, and test results.

Following are the vital stages involved in the UX design process:

  • Interaction Design: This segment takes care of the part where users can complete their tasks effortlessly by employing the system’s interactive components like animations, page transitions, buttons, and so on.
  • User Research: User Research deals with conducting in-depth research, assembling feedback and ideas from customers, analyzing end-user needs, and leveraging the said parameters to make design decisions.
  • Information Architecture: The process of organizing the content and information in an intuitive way to aid users in achieving their objectives is called information architecture. A proficient UX UI designer perceives the divergent relationships between data sets & presents them in an understandable manner to facilitate user navigation. Effective information architecture is crucial in providing an intuitive user experience & increased engagement on websites & applications. Choose a UI UX Design Company that understands the importance of information architecture in providing a user-friendly digital experience.

An ideal UX design should conduct the following practices:

-Ensuring that the product is easily logical, employable and self-explanatory.

-Designing the product in such a way that it solves every problem of the user.

-Making the product accessible and useful for a wide range of people.

-Architecting the product’s design in such a way that it imparts a positive experience to the end user while enabling them to complete their tasks in a hassle-free manner.

Also Read: Top Intuitive UI/UX Design Tools for Contemporary Designers in 2023

UI Vs UX Design

It’s important to remember that although UX and UI design are often used interchangeably, both concepts provide different inputs and have varying approaches for reaching the same outcome.

  • Core focus area: The chief focus of UI designers is to manage the quality and visuals of the digital product while employing high-end models as prototypes. Whereas, the role of UX designers is more inclined towards logical thinking and taking care of the functionality and purpose of the app. In addition, UI designers are engrossed in the technicalities of the app’s design while UX designers deal with project management and detailed analysis of the application.
  • Use of Color: The design prototypes in UI design are weaved in all colors whereas the UX design mostly encompasses black, gray and white.
  • Employing tools: UI designers employ tools like Flinto, Sketch, InVision and Principle for collaborative image designing. UX designers leverage the power of Mockplus – a robust wireframe-based prototyping tool.
  • Artistic element: The artistic angle plays a major role in UI designing as it is related to what the end user gets to see, hear and feel. Thus, the aesthetics should be on point. In the case of UX design, it works on deeply assessing the needs of the user by analyzing their behavior and patterns.
Visual Design
Layout Design
Wireframe & Prototype
User Research
Creative Mindset
Team Experience
Developers’ assistance
ToolsHTML5, JS, CSS3Adobe, Figma, Sketch, etc.

(A summarised form of UI vs UX design)

Wrapping Up

UI and UX design are two crucial elements that ultimately work towards one common goal: serving the needs of end-users. As a quality mobile app development company, Zazz is committed to creating innovative & efficient design solutions that align with the vision and goals of businesses. Our team comprises a group of highly skilled UI & UX designers who specialize in developing secure & creative user interface & user experience solutions for both web and mobile applications.

Our UI/UX design solutions cater to startups, small businesses, and large firms, providing dynamic interfaces that enhance user experience & boost customer engagement rates. As a client, you can rest assured that our UI/UX app design services offer top-notch results & deliver an attractive application.

Our designers follow a well-structured UX process, enabling them to craft easy-to-use, high-quality applications featuring impressive user interfaces & user experiences. When you choose Zazz as your UI/UX app design partner, we ensure to take into account your specific business needs, user behavior & inclinations to provide optimal design solutions that solve your pain points.

Our collective experience in the mobile app development industry makes us uniquely equipped to design top solutions that cause a paradigm shift in how your users interact with your brand. Connect with our team today to discover more about our app design services & how they can deliver value to your business.

Also Read:

Understanding the Value of UI Design for Mobile Apps

Challenges of UX Design for IoT and Tips to Beat Them

Top 10 Common UX Design Mistakes To Avoid When Developing an App

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the key difference between UI and UX design?

UI design deals with architecting the app’s graphical layout including buttons, animations, screen layout, micro-interactions, transitions and much more. On the other hand, UX design encompasses analyzing and designing for the users’ interaction with the system while ensuring an intuitive and smooth experience for the users.

Q.2 What tools do you use in designing an app’s user interface?

At Zazz, our experienced team of creative designers are adept at leveraging state-of-the-art tools like Adobe, Sketch, Figma, InVision and many more.

Q.3 Will you delegate a separate UI UX team for my project?

Zazz is a vast team of 250+ professionals including engineers, app architects, technical managers, QA specialists, senior designers and many more. As soon as you give us the confirmation to partner with us, we will immediately delegate a separate team for your project. 

Top 10 Common UX Design Mistakes To Avoid When Developing an App https://www.zazz.io/blog/top-10-common-ux-design-mistakes-to-avoid-when-developing-an-app/ https://www.zazz.io/blog/top-10-common-ux-design-mistakes-to-avoid-when-developing-an-app/#respond Wed, 10 Mar 2021 04:15:02 +0000 https://www.zazz.io/blog/?p=3505 Before knowing common UX Design Mistakes while designing mobile apps, we must know how UI and UX differ. So UI (User Interface) is the look of certain elements that includes the size of buttons and fonts, forms, colors, etc. UX (User Experience) is the overall impression a user gets during and after the interaction with any website or app. UX mainly helps users to fulfill their requirements as promptly as possible. Check some most common UX mistakes that designers make from this article.

UX Design Mistakes

Common UX Design Mistakes to Avoid While Designing 

UI/UX combines multiple designs to meet users’ goals on a web resource with maximum speed and efficiency. They are based on various factors and a convenient visual environment. Some of the most common issues that any UI/UX design company experience is given below:

Lack of Project Context

There are multiple successful projects on which designers spent a lot of time and effort, and even customers appreciated them. Undoubtedly you can easily showcase those projects in a significant way to convince new customers.  

And designers might have used some technical terms in their project that most of the website visitors might be unaware of. So, designers should always use a language and context which any third person can easily understand. Designs should be something that users can understand easily. 

Overuse of Animation 

Designers should use good animations. A good design is the best tool to grab customer’s attention, but excessive use of animations negatively impacts users. Excessive animations can irritate the app users since they fail to find the relevant thing in your application. So, designers have to select the best animations and use them only in relevant places, not affecting the user experience

Poor Navigation

Sometimes there might be instances when you have to add all the projects to your UI design agency portfolio. But posting so much stuff on your portfolio page can create confusion among the customers, and it might feel that they are lost while browsing. 

In such a case, you have to select the best projects to demonstrate as adding limited projects is relatively better than adding everything. So, make sure you provide rich navigation so that users can easily enjoy your application and find the impressive apps you have worked upon.

Also Read: Challenges of UX Design

Poor Presentation

Some designers insert slides directly from PPT presentations in the application. This mainly saves time and effort and also prevents developers from any deadly mistakes. Designers need to emphasize that customers can get an appealing experience in your application. And this helps users to plan about investing in your business. So, it is always recommended to present things in an organized manner to impress the customers.

Demonstrating Only the Final Outputs

Every mobile application includes screenshots of the final project delivered to the client. But some of them don’t consider it essential while predicting the final output. The process and strategies that designers opt for should be adequately managed during the project completion. So, designs should be kept the same throughout the app development journey. 

Wrapping Up:

Many mobile apps designed with PHP development techniques deliver the best app that can and avoid annoying users. By understanding common UX issues that affect the app performance, you can easily handle the whole app development process. You must avoid all the issues mentioned above to make your app more user-friendly.

Also Read: An Insightful Guide to Know About UI and UX Design

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